콜로라도 심포니, '드보르작 심포니 No.7' 연주회 가져
콜로라도 심포니, '드보르작 심포니 No.7' 연주회 가져
  • 정원걸
  • 승인 2019.10.22 04:16
  • 댓글 0
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Colorado Symphony Orchestra
Colorado Symphony



지난 18 부터 20 까지콜로라도 덴버 보첼 콘서트 홀에서지휘자 알렉산더 셸리가 이끄는 콜로라도 심포니의 주연으로 '드보르작 7 심포니' 성황리에 연주회를 마쳤다.


이날 연주회에는 첼로 연주자 시실리 파르나스가 협연했다.


파르나스는 벨벳처럼 부드러운 소리와 명료한 화려함그리고 예리한 상상력을 가지고 있다, 찬사를 받아온 첼로 연주자다.


19세에 처음으로 YCA(Young Concert Artists) 국제 오디션에서 입상한 파르나스는 카네기 케네디 센터 그리고 국제 여성 예술가 박물관 등에서 공연을 가진  있다.


이번 연주회의 지휘자 셸리는국립 캐나다 예술 센터 오케스트라의 지휘자이며로얄 필하모닉 오케스트라의  지휘자로도 활동하고 있다.




<Translation by google>


From the 18th to 20th, the Dvorak No. 7 Symphony ended in concert with the Colorado Symphony led by conductor Alexander Shelly at the Denver Boetcher Concert Hall in Colorado.





The concert was performed by cellist Sicely Parnas.




Parnas is a cello player who has been acclaimed for its velvety sound, clarity and sharp imagination.




Parnas, who first won an international audition at the YCA (Young Concert Artists) at the age of 19, performed at Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center and the International Women's Artists Museum.




Shelly, conductor of the concert, is a conductor of the National Canadian Arts Center Orchestra and an Associate Director of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.




K-News Denver






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